Boost Your Child’s Speech Skills Over the Summer: Fun At-Home Techniques

Jun 22, 2023 | Uncategorized

Summer is a wonderful time for children to relax, explore, and enjoy their well-deserved break from school. While the season is all about fun and adventure, it’s also an ideal opportunity for parents to engage their children in activities that promote speech and language development. As experts in speech therapy, Care First Rehab in Cary, North Carolina, understands the importance of continuing speech practice during the summer months. In this blog, we will share some effective and enjoyable at-home techniques that parents can use to support their child’s speech skills over the summer break.


1.Create a Language-Rich Environment: One of the best ways to enhance your child’s speech and language skills is to immerse them in a language-rich environment. Encourage conversations, storytelling, and discussions throughout the day. Share experiences, ask open-ended questions, and actively listen to your child’s responses. This helps build vocabulary, comprehension, and communication skills naturally.

2. Engage in Storytime: Reading aloud is a powerful tool for language development. Set aside dedicated time each day for storytime. Choose age-appropriate books and engage your child by using different voices, emphasizing key words, and encouraging them to participate by guessing what might happen next. Discuss the story afterward to improve comprehension and critical thinking skills.

3. Encourage Artistic Expression: Art activities not only promote creativity but also support speech and language development. Encourage your child to draw, paint, or create crafts. Use these activities as an opportunity to discuss what they are doing, describe colors, shapes, and actions, and ask open-ended questions about their artwork. This encourages expressive language and improves vocabulary.

4. Engage in Pretend Play: Role-playing and pretend play are fantastic ways to develop speech and language skills. Encourage your child to engage in imaginative play, such as playing house, setting up a restaurant, or creating a pretend school. These activities promote social interaction, turn-taking, and the use of language in various contexts.

5. Embrace Outdoor Explorations: The summer season offers countless opportunities for outdoor adventures. Take advantage of nature walks, visits to parks, and trips to the beach. Use these outings as chances to expand your child’s vocabulary by talking about what you see, hear, and feel. Encourage them to describe their surroundings, ask questions, and engage in conversations about their experiences.

6. Utilize Speech Apps and Online Resources: In today’s digital age, there are numerous apps and online resources designed to support speech and language development. Explore interactive speech therapy apps that provide exercises and games targeting specific speech goals. These tools can be both educational and engaging for children, making speech practice enjoyable.

7. Practice Everyday Routines: Daily routines, such as mealtime, bath time, and bedtime, can be transformed into valuable speech practice opportunities. Encourage your child to articulate their wants, needs, and observations during these routines. Expand on their statements by modeling complete sentences and introducing new vocabulary.


Summer is an excellent time for children to relax and recharge, but it’s also crucial to maintain their speech and language development. By incorporating these at-home techniques into your child’s daily routine, you can support their progress and make learning enjoyable. Remember, the most important aspect is to create a language-rich environment and engage in activities that stimulate speech and language skills naturally. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s speech development, Care First Rehab in Cary, North Carolina, is here to help. Enjoy the summer while nurturing your child’s speech skills!

Note: Always consult a qualified speech therapist or professional for personalized guidance and assistance tailored to your child’s specific needs.

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